Page 26 - Demo
P. 26
24c) Poster Making:p Each Institute will be represented by one participant.p Item will be conducted on the spot and the participants will be requested to do poster making on thesubject / topic / theme given by the In-charge of the competition.p Duration will not be more than 2 hours 30 minutes.p Participants shall bring their own material. Only the Drawing paper/Sheet 22%u201d x 15%u201d will be provided bythe organizersd) Clay Modeling:p Each Institute will be represented by one participant.p Item will be conducted on the spot.p Duration will not be more than 2 hours 30 minutes.p Topic/ size and other speci%uf001c rules shall be announced on the spot.p Clay shall be provided by the host Institute.e) Cartooning:p Each Institute will be represented by one participant.p Item will be conducted on the spot on the given subject/idea.p Duration will not be more than 2 hours 30 minutes.p Participants shall bring their own material. Only the Drawing paper 22%u201d x 15%u201d will be provided by thehost Universityf) Rangoli:p Each Institute will be represented by one participant.p Duration will not be more than 2 hours 30 minutes.p Participants shall bring their own material. This art is known differently in various regions such asMandna, Alpana, Alekhan, Kolam, Rangoli, etc. For this the medium and form for expression can befree hand, pictorial and descriptive.p Only one medium shall be used %u2013 Poster Colors, Flower Petals, saw %u2013 dust or pulses or Rice withoutpasting.p The participants will have to prepare a rangoli within the space provided by the organizers.g) Spot Photography:p An Institute can send one participantp The participant has to bring his/her own digital camera of not more than 12 mega pixels.p The digital camera should have a memory card which will be formatted by the judges before thecommencement of the contest.p The time limit will be 2:30 hours.p The participant has to capture 5 photographs on the theme announced on the spot by the judges.p No mixing, matching or morphing of photographs will be permitted.p Software such as Photoshop etc. for enhancing images not permitted.p The organizers will have all rights for the use of these pictures as and when they deem %uf001t.p Digital images are evaluated on the basis of (I) IMPACT (ii) COMPOSITION (III) TECHNICALQUALITY and (IV) SUITABILITY for the speci%uf001c theme.p The additional Instructions will be announced on the spot.