Page 25 - Demo
P. 25

                                    23b) Skit:p Only one team per Institute will be allowed.p Maximum number of six participants are allowed to participate in this item.p The duration of the skit shall be between 8%u201310 minutes.p Use of make-up, drapery and background music is allowed. No personal remarks, aspersions, character assassination, etc., is allowed.p Participating team should submit three copies of the synopsis of the theme of Skit, along with language ofpresentation (Hindi or English) on the day of registration.p The item will be judged basically on the qualities like theme, work on acting, stage craft, design andgeneral impression.p Vulgarity or bitter insinuations in presentation should be avoided. Only innocent satire or humor isexpected.c) Mime:p Only one entry per Institute will be entertained.p Maximum number of six participants are allowed to participate in this item.p Judgement will most likely be based on the qualities like idea, creativity of presentation, use of make- up,music and general impression.p Duration of performance shall be between 4-5 minutes.d) Mimicry:p Duration of performance shall be between 4-5 minutes.p Participants may mimic sound of machines and speeches of well-known persons etc. including %uf001lmpersonalities.p Only one entry is allowed.p Marking will be based on Skill imitating, Variety of sound & voices imitate and Presentation.a) On the Spot Painting:p Each Institute will be represented by one participant.p Item will be conducted on the spot and participants will be requested to do painting on the subject givenby the In charge (s) of the competition.p Duration will not be more than 2 hours 30 minutes.p Size of the painting will be half imperial size drawing paper, i.e. 22%u201d x 15%u201d.p Painting can be done in oil, water, poster or pastel colours.p Candidate shall bring their own material like brushes, paints etc. Only the paper/sheet will be providedby the host Institute.b) Collage:p Each Institute will be represented by one participant.p Item will be conducted on the spot on the given topic/subject, sheet size 22\p Duration will not be more than 2 hours 30 minutes.p Participants shall bring their own scissors, pasting and other material required for the contest.p Collage has to be prepared from old magazines. The host University will provide the drawing paperof the size 22%u201d x 15%u201d.FINE ARTS
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